NG34 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NG34 8 is a postcode sector in North Kesteven, UK. Below is a complete list of NG34 8 Postcodes (Active). NG34 8 postcode sector comprises of 366 active postcodes. NG34 8 sector has a population of 10767, and it has 4421 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NG34 8 postcode sector

NG34 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10767
Addresses / Property Count 4421
Active Postcodes 366
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of NG34 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 366 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NG34 8AA 53.00634600 -0.41514400 4 6 506441 346622
NG34 8AB 53.00728900 -0.41605300 19 47 506378 346726
NG34 8AD 53.00718700 -0.41720500 1 1 506301 346713
NG34 8AE 53.00726600 -0.41908000 24 41 506175 346719
NG34 8AF 53.00637700 -0.41780100 27 50 506263 346622
NG34 8AH 53.00547100 -0.41729700 29 66 506299 346522
NG34 8AJ 53.00542800 -0.42151700 38 99 506016 346511
NG34 8AL 53.00629700 -0.41993500 17 37 506120 346610
NG34 8AN 53.00587100 -0.41761100 28 78 506277 346566
NG34 8AP 53.00595000 -0.42018600 12 30 506104 346571
NG34 8AQ 53.00706000 -0.41849100 16 25 506215 346697
NG34 8AR 53.00758200 -0.41918800 24 64 506167 346754
NG34 8AS 53.00685400 -0.42191200 22 47 505986 346669
NG34 8AT 53.00832700 -0.41905600 11 18 506174 346837
NG34 8AU 53.00812900 -0.41976400 10 16 506127 346814
NG34 8AW 53.00555800 -0.42111000 29 76 506043 346526
NG34 8AX 53.00782300 -0.42104200 9 20 506042 346778
NG34 8AY 53.00766600 -0.42148000 11 28 506013 346760
NG34 8AZ 53.00725600 -0.42237400 9 16 505954 346713
NG34 8BA 53.00904800 -0.42193600 28 82 505979 346913
NG34 8BB 53.00897800 -0.42277300 20 59 505923 346904
NG34 8BD 53.00725400 -0.41413200 34 100 506507 346725
NG34 8BE 53.00679000 -0.41370200 36 102 506537 346674
NG34 8BF 53.00913800 -0.42057600 17 49 506070 346925
NG34 8BG 53.00739800 -0.41213000 7 26 506641 346744
NG34 8BH 53.00749700 -0.41144000 40 133 506687 346756
NG34 8BJ 53.00669800 -0.40816100 39 95 506909 346672
NG34 8BL 53.00607400 -0.41128400 20 66 506701 346598
NG34 8BN 53.00591100 -0.41386800 27 49 506528 346576
NG34 8BP 53.00948100 -0.42336600 22 66 505882 346959
NG34 8BQ 53.00805600 -0.41291000 14 34 506587 346816
NG34 8BS 53.00994200 -0.42223100 4 9 505957 347012
NG34 8BT 53.01004600 -0.42327100 7 24 505887 347022
NG34 8BU 53.03733700 -0.45632200 17 45 503604 350010
NG34 8BW 53.00682700 -0.41247800 22 67 506619 346680
NG34 8BX 53.00873500 -0.42407900 12 32 505836 346875
NG34 8BY 53.03653700 -0.45738400 21 47 503535 349919
NG34 8BZ 53.03728400 -0.45950500 9 17 503391 349999
NG34 8DA 53.03756700 -0.45846600 10 19 503460 350032
NG34 8DB 53.03749200 -0.46031800 8 17 503336 350021
NG34 8DD 53.03692500 -0.46023300 4 9 503343 349958
NG34 8DE 53.03865600 -0.46444800 2 7 503056 350145
NG34 8DF 53.03721900 -0.46284800 8 14 503167 349987
NG34 8DG 53.03769500 -0.46347200 20 29 503124 350039
NG34 8DH 53.03649200 -0.46153100 5 12 503257 349908
NG34 8DJ 53.03618000 -0.46310900 13 25 503152 349871
NG34 8DL 53.03572300 -0.46600300 19 46 502959 349816
NG34 8DN 53.03583600 -0.46995200 29 76 502694 349823
NG34 8DP 53.03611200 -0.46619800 11 25 502945 349859
NG34 8DQ 53.03818700 -0.46262000 19 32 503180 350095
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